Once upon a time a girl started her studies in Thessaloniki…her student house…in Olympiados building 116 (est. 1957). Tenants and roommates filled the apartments with memories, laughter, tears, dreams…all of a previous generation.
The years passed and the desire of the whole family for the maintenance and reformation of the building, led us to the decision for its radical renovation.
With our thοughts at the romance of the 60s, 70s and 80s, we wanted the new apartments to bring elements of yesterday and today. With a lot of personal work (since my studies as a Civil Engineer allowed me to do so) we reached the end!…Or rather the beginning of a new route in the field of tourist accommodation…because the goal was for the new studios to become a springboard for memories to visitors of the city.
MeYia…so as we Greeks wish at everything new.
MeYia…from Me(ndy) and Yia(nnis)…the next generation, our kids…